
An organization is any group involved in activities described in the data - such as investigations, or report publication. An organization is identified by a name, although this name is not guaranteed to be unique so should not be relied on as a unique identifier.


Fig. 1: Organization with associated entities and properties | svg | png | pdf

Examples of organizations are contractors, HERs (or other national bodies), local authorities, data aggregators, report authors, report publishers etc.

@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix crm: <> .

<http://tempuri/e7/1> a crm:E7_Activity ;
   crm:P14_carried_out_by <http://tempuri/organization/1> .

<http://tempuri/organization/1> a crm:E74_Group ;
    crm:P107_has_current_or_former_member <http://tempuri/person/1> ;
    crm:P1_is_identified_by <http://tempuri/e41/1> .

<http://tempuri/e41/1> a crm:E41_Appellation ;
   rdfs:label "Wessex Archaeology"@en .

<http://tempuri/person/1> a crm:E21_Person ;
   crm:P107i_is_current_or_former_member_of <http://tempuri/organization/1> .

Fig. 2: Turtle RDF example | styled | RDFa | microdata | xml | nt | json-ld