Investigation Methodology

An investigation on a site may involve the use of a methodology (an investigative technique). The methodology used is described using a concept URI originating from the FISH Event Types Thesaurus. Examples of investigation methodology might be Borehole Survey, Timber Sampling, Rescue Excavation etc.


Fig. 1: Methodology used in an investigation | svg | png | pdf

@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix crm: <> .
@prefix evt: <> .

<http://tempuri/investigation/1> a crm:E7_Activity ;
    crm:P32_used_general_technique evt:145112 .

evt:145112 a crm:E55_Type ;
   crm:32i_was_technique_of <http://tempuri/investigation/1> ;
   rdfs:label "Borehole Survey"@en .

Fig. 2: Turtle RDF example | styled | RDFa | microdata | xml | nt | json-ld