
A record refers to investigation activities taking place on a site. The investigation will have a title - often describing the type of event and the site (e.g. "[Event type] at [Site name]" - "Field Survey at Studfield Hill" etc.). There will be a stated reason for the investigation, which is carried out by an organization during a specific time-span. The investigative activity uses a methodology


Fig. 1: Investigation with associated entities and properties | svg | png | pdf

@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix crm: <> .
@prefix evt: <> .
@prefix rfi: <> .

<http://tempuri/investigation/1> a crm:E7_Activity ;
   crm:P67i_is_referred_to_by <http://tempuri/record/1> ;
   crm:P70i_is_documented_in <http://tempuri/report/1> ;
   crm:P17_was_motivated_by rfi:11e58ff4-9432-4452-a364-6b22e1696944 ;
   crm:P32_used_general_technique evt:145112 ;
   crm:P14_carried_out_by <http://tempuri/organization/1> ;
   crm:P4_has_time-span <http://tempuri/timespan/1> ;
   crm:P7_took_place_at <http://tempuri/site/1> ;
   crm:P1_is_identified_by <http://tempuri/investigation/1/identifier>, <http://tempuri/investigation/1/title> ;
   crm:P3_has_note "An archaeological evaluation was undertaken by Diggs Archaeology in August..."@en .

<http://tempuri/investigation/1/identifier> a crm:E42_Identifier ;
    crm:P1i_identifies <http://tempuri/investigation/1> .   

<http://tempuri/investigation/1/title> a crm:E35_Title;
    crm:1i_identifies <http://tempuri/investigation/1> ;
    rdfs:label "Field Survey at Studfield Hill"@en .    

<http://tempuri/record/1> a crm:E73_Information_Object ;
   crm:P67_refers_to <http://tempuri/investigation/1> .

<http://tempuri/report/1> a crm:E31_Document ;
   crm:P70_documents <http://tempuri/investigation/1> .

rfi:11e58ff4-9432-4452-a364-6b22e1696944 a crm:E55_Type ;
   crm:P17i_motivated <http://tempuri/investigation/1> ;
   rdfs:label "Planning requirement"@en .

evt:145112 a crm:E55_Type ;
   crm:P32i_was_technique_of <http://tempuri/investigation/1> .

<http://tempuri/organization/1> a crm:E74_Group ;
   crm:P14i_performed <http://tempuri/investigation/1> .

<http://tempuri/timespan/1> a crm:E52_Time-Span ;
   crm:P4i_is_time-span_of <http://tempuri/investigation/1> .

<http://tempuri/site/1> a crm:E53_Place ;
   crm:P7i_witnessed <http://tempuri/investigation/1> .

Fig. 2: Turtle RDF example | styled | RDFa | microdata | xml | nt | json-ld